Kelsey & Dan

November 1–3, 2024 • Clearwater, FL

Kelsey & Dan

November 1–3, 2024 • Clearwater, FL

Our Story

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February 2020 – All is right in the world. The Kansas City Chiefs are the newly minted Super Bowl champions. Kelsey had just reached Delta platinum status, and Dan almost made it a full year without needing to buy a new phone. 


Kelsey and I had both lived in New York City for three years, packing as many experiences, friends, and memories in for a lifetime. After unknowingly passing each other in our shared office lobby for each of those years, fate came through with a swipe. Kelsey was immediately intrigued by the diverse set of photos on my dating profile, ranging a suit and tie, a bare, hairy chest, and pickleball with George W Bush. I saw a sweetheart with a killer smile, a sense of adventure, and a girl who’d rather attend a football game than a shopping spree (yes, I am still somehow telling myself that). 

Fortunately, we had mutual friends between life and work. Two of my friends from college were close colleagues of Kelsey’s. We mutually received glowing reviews (Dan swears he remembers them saying “dude, she’s perfect for you”) And Kelsey is lucky they left out a few details. 

Having not much experience with blind first dates, I thought it was a good idea to bring Kelsey to an intimate work event for the opening of a new sky-high restaurant – The Edge. We met after work for a get-to-know-you speed round, prior to ascending 101 floors to the formal event. It was then that Kelsey discovered the date would be joined by two other couples – my coworkers also brought first dates to this event and we sat together at a table of 6. 

After a memorable Thursday night, including an impromptu photoshoot (see first photo above!) and a benign trip to the bathrooms together (I had to show her the best view in the house), we were quickly enthralled and excited for what could be. 

We didn’t wait long to see each other again – with plans to spend the upcoming Saturday biking to a waterfront bar and restaurant, the day evolved into meeting friends, siblings (yes, Kelsey introduced me to Mack on the second date – no pressure!), and spending time at what came to be our favorite bar, Doc Holidays. 

Sticking with the spirit of taking it slow, we decided to spend our third date on a trip to Boston for St. Patrick’s day. That calm, yet spirited, weekend introduced Kelsey to Mr. T, more college friends, and preview of my college self (I warned Kelsey, get out while you can). 

Boston’s Southie neighborhood made national news that weekend – much to the dismay of the out-of-towners. On the way home from the bars, we realized we couldn't go back to New York – the pandemic had a chokehold on all major metros, and we were all advised to lockdown in our homes. 

A few green beers deep and confident as ever, Kelsey suggested we escape to her parent’s house in Florida. Well, the thing is, I had never been to the beach before, what better time to cross that off the bucket list. 

So for our forth ‘date,’ Kelsey’s parents were gracious enough to welcome us to their two-bed apartment in Florida, while their home was under construction. After a few weeks, Clearwater Beach, where we are so excited to welcome you for the wedding, became home base during lockdown and where our love took flight. 

The world slowly returned to normal and life, work, and our relationship has taken Kelsey and I all over the world, from the tiki-est of the huts to the highest of the high teas. We haven’t slowed down for the past 4 years - and we aren't stopping now! 

We can’t wait to celebrate with you in November!

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